PSC Services

Need a deeper dive? Allow us to use our vast resources and years of experience to research the topics concerning you.

In the realm of alternative medicine, personalized approaches are increasingly recognized for their potential to enhance patient outcomes. This service focuses on providing comprehensive research tailored to individual needs, encompassing nutrient profiles, diagnosis research, medication research, and protocols aimed at reducing reliance on conventional medications.

Diagnostic Research - Need help understanding a diagnosis? Receiving a diagnosis from your doctor can be overwhelming and emotional. Our Diagnostic Research Service provides a comprehensive report on your specific diagnosis including known treatments, dietary considerations, alternative options, useful lab tests and recommended resources for patient information. Diagnosis research plays a useful role in elevating patients' overall understanding of their options.

Medication Research - More than ever before prescription medications are now a fact of life. For any given ailment there is a medication, sometimes more than one brand or variant. Our Medication Research Service provides a thorough report encompassing all facets of pharmaceutical drugs. If knowing more about common side effects, drug interactions, brand alternatives and dosing schedules interests you, we are here to help. Medication research is another vital component of this service. With the growing awareness of the side effects associated with long-term medication use, there is an increasing demand for alternative solutions. Research indicates that approximately 70% of Americans take at least one prescription medication, and many experience adverse effects. By evaluating existing medications and their interactions with alternative therapies, this service aims to provide evidence-based recommendations for safer and more effective treatment options.

Nutritional Research - There is always a new ingredient or nutraceutical on the market. Knowing more makes for better and cost-effective decisions. Perhaps there is a vitamin/mineral or herb making waves on social media, is it as great for arthritis as everyone says? Let us get in depth for you. PSC Nutritional Research Service can be used to find the most accurate and definitive guidance on any nutritional supplement. Nutrient profiles are essential in understanding how specific vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients can influence health. Research indicates that deficiencies in certain nutrients can lead to various health issues, including mood disorders and chronic stress. For instance, studies have shown that magnesium deficiency is prevalent in approximately 68% of the U.S. population, which can contribute to anxiety and stress-related conditions. By analyzing an individual's nutrient intake and status, personalized recommendations can be made to optimize health and well-being.

Medication Reduction Protocol Service - For a customized medication reduction schedule and nutritional support plan use our Medication Reduction Protocol Service. For those seeking guidance for safely reducing prescribed medications due to ineffectiveness, overlapping or duplicating medications, symptoms of overmedication, or otherwise look no further than PSC Medication Reduction Service. We will design a thoughtful well-planned schedule for reducing unwanted medications without the dreadful withdrawal experience known to many. Protocols for reducing medications are designed to assist individuals in transitioning away from conventional pharmaceuticals. This process requires careful monitoring and a tailored approach, as abrupt cessation of certain medications can lead to withdrawal symptoms or exacerbation of underlying conditions. Research supports the gradual reduction of medications in conjunction with alternative therapies, which can enhance the overall effectiveness of treatment while minimizing potential risks.

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Additionally, PSC offers Lab Test Interpretation, half hour and hour-long Nutritional Consulting by appointment and Special-Order product services. 

In conclusion, personalized alternative medicine research services offer a valuable resource for individuals seeking to improve their health through tailored interventions. By focusing on nutrient profiles, diagnosis research, medication research, and protocols for reducing medications, this service aims to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve optimal well-being. The integration of scientific research and personalized care is essential in navigating the complexities of health and wellness in today's world.

Contact Linda Volpenhein at 1-800-669-2256 or